In the fast moving world of the internet, you need to rise above to compete. No where is that more true than in the world of network marketing for major brands like doTERRA or Mary Kay.  Customers have their attention spread out among several different suites, apps, and social concerns…and you’re competing for their attention!

It is vital that you have a consistent stream of leads or you’ll miss out on opportunities.  However, you also need to use the right strategies and techniques.  So without further ado, here are 5 ways you can use technology to expand direct sales leads.


Attention Generation

In the digital marketplace today, or even with direct in person sales, step one is to get attention. Without attention, you can never complete your sales cycle, even if you have the best product in the world. To get attention, you can use online video to create engaging content and stand out above the crowd.

Of special interest to network marketers is the power of social media. Do some research to identify which networks your target leads live on. Regardless of where they’re concentrated, every distributor should have a branded presence on Facebook.



One of the biggest barriers to the buying (or recruiting) conversion is authority. The average person tends to be skeptical of marketing hype.  Video content can help show your role as an expert in your industry, and resolve many concerns early in the buying process. When buyers are unsure, they are more likely to buy from someone who demonstrates that they know what they’re talking about. Consider educating your market with lots of quality content in video form.



If your audience doesn’t feel like you understand them, they will never buy from you. And if they don’t feel like you are aligned with them, they might have similar resistance.  Utilizing technology, online video, and engaging written content you can address primary concerns and get them on your side.



People are largely visual creatures. And you can tap into the visual instincts of your prospects for more direct sales. Using video to showcase your product or service is a great way to peak desire, in turn helping your bottom line steadily increase.


Action and Engagement

Every piece of content should be engaging. Furthermore, vague requests to buy don’t work.  Instead of leaving your market to decide for themselves, always have a call to action. In your videos, this can mean you ask them to click, subscribe, or buy right away.


When it comes to getting leads, it can be overwhelming at times. With so much going on in the information age, you have to work harder and smarter to get the right customers at the right time. However, it doesn’t need to be such a challenge.

By using the tips and tricks above, you can enjoy more leads, conversions, and sales.  In order to better use the technology available to you to expand your business, consider partnering with us so we can help you meet your marketing goals.